What is InfoCheck?
By Bob Martin - General Manager of HDD Broker LLC - September 30, 2013
HDD Broker is very proud to announce the launch of our new InfoCheck Program!
InfoCheck is a listings enhancement that we have created which provides a checklist for each listing showing how comprehensive the information within it is. Website users are now able to search and sort listings by their InfoCheck rating.
This new system will help to increase buyer confidence and motivate sellers to provide even more information about their equipment.
InfoCheck ratings are applicable for all HDDBroker.com listings. As additional information is added to a listing, its InfoCheck rating will increase. The higher the rating, the more comprehensive the listing and the further up it will appear in certain search results on the website.
What key things that the InfoCheck Program tracks?
There are eight categories of InfoCheck ratings and they are:
- Complete Description
- Detailed Photos
- Video
- Complete Serial Numbers
- Inspection Reports
- Lien Disclosures
- Titles
- Service and/or Work History
The listing receives a check mark if the information for that category is on file with HDD Broker. An "X" is present if the information is missing, and an "N/A" will be there if the category doesn't apply to the listing (such as a title for a listing in the Tooling Category).
View a complete description of this exciting new program along with frequently asked questions.

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