Equipment Specifications Library

Basic Model Information

  • Manufacturer:
    American Augers
  • Model:
  • Rig Size:
    20,001 - 30,000 lbs pullback

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Entry Angle 13°-23°
Fuel Tank Capacity 38 gal 136L
Height 7'7" 2311 mm
Length 10 ft 3048 mm
Length 19'10.5" 6058 mm
Make and Model John Deere 4045TF125 turbodiesel
Manufacturer's Gross HP Rating 125 hp 115kW
Max Flow 165 gal/min 625 L/min
Max Spindle Speed 137 rpm
Max Spindle Torque 4,000 ft-lbs 5400 Nm
Pullback 28,000 lbs 124.5 kN
Rod Carrying Capacity 520' 158 m
Rod Loader Mechanical
Thrust 28,000 lbs 124.5 kN
Weight 103 lbs 46.8 kg
Weight 20,700 lbs 9398 kg
Width 7'4.5" 2240 mm

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