Videos and Articles
ICUEE Follow Up - Louisville, Kentucky 2009
Read More »October 23, 2009
Amongst the dire news of a stumbling economy, the attendance at the ICUEE show in Louisville, Kentucky was refreshingly good. There was a pervading sense of overall optimism that helped keep the show upbeat.Trenchless Australasia 2009
Read More »October 9, 2009
Well I've just returned after a long, long (long) journey back from lovely, overcast Melbourne, Australia for the Trenchless 2009 Trade show and exhibition. I thought I'd offer a bit of a summary of what we saw, did and accomplished while we were down there!The Changing Demands of the Mid-sized Drilling Contractor
Read More »August 1, 2009
These changing economic times have certainly thrown the world on its ear, in some places more than others. Contracts have been delayed or shut down altogether, and in areas where the work does exist the ability for a contractor to obtain funds for the purchase of equipment to complete the work has diminished substantially. Through all of this, however, the needs and wants of the contractor remain unchanged. Manufacturers have, over time, invested considerable time, energy and resources in to the evolution of the HDD drill, and we have seen the results over the last few years.Strategic Partnership and Business Expansion Caters to the Australasian Market
Read More »August 1, 2009
It is the goal of every successful company to not just serve their customers, but to excel at doing so by catering to the specific needs of their clients. The world is a very large place, made smaller by things such as the internet, however there are specific territorial, cultural and business concerns for each geographical area and it is difficult for one company to handle each area with equal ability.Trenchless embraces social media
Read More »October 1, 2009
Trenchless companies around the world are creating an online presence via websites, and social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to promote their products and services to a broader market.HDD Broker launches new Australasia websites
Read More »October 1, 2009
HDD Broker has launched two new Australasian specific websites after having secured a new alliance with JB Attachments Group, trading as JB Sales International in Australia.Brokering expansion in Australasia
Read More »September 1, 2009
HDDBroker is pursuing strategic partnerships and business expansion to cater to the Australasian market. It is the goal of every successful company to not just serve their customers, but to excel at doing so by catering to the specific needs of their clients.The Evolution of the HDD Contractor: The Changing Needs and Wants In Today's HDD Marketplace
Read More »July 16, 2009
As an individual who has constant contact with contractors from all over the world on a daily basis, I have a somewhat unique take on just what exactly it is that the average contractor is looking for in HDD equipment. Our customer base here at HDDBroker includes hundreds of contractors in dozens of countries from around the world, giving us a broad spectrum of companies to compare against.Hard Times Show Exactly What You're Made Of
Read More »July 1, 2009
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends." by John Churton Collins. The quote is absolutely true, and no more applicable than in these challenging economic times. The quote was brought to focus for me recently when we did a transaction with a vendor of used tooling that we'd had frequent dealings with in the past.Tips For Selling Used HDD Equipment
Read More »June 1, 2009
Buyers of used HDD equipment want to get a quality drill at the best possible price. On the other hand, sellers hope to move equipment at a price that matches its value. What can sellers do to get top dollar?Maximizing The Value, Marketability Of Used Rigs
Read More »June 1, 2009
Along with most segments of the economy, the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) industry is seriously affected by a worldwide recession.Made in China
Read More »May 7, 2009
The global HDD market is a dynamic and expanding area. A new innovative market emerging from the east is set to challenge the dominance of the traditional manufacturers.Buying and Selling in the Used HDD Market
Read More »May 1, 2009
I would say that the used market is "finding" itself right now. I think a proper term might be "volatile". What we're seeing is a market where some models of drill are dropping completely off of the map in regards to demand, while others see a very high inquiry rate.Cutting Through the Hype: What the Future Really Holds for the Trenchless Industry
Read More »April 1, 2009
There's been a lot of talk lately about how the highly-publicized $787 billion economic stimulus package will revitalize the country. A lot of people are holding their breath waiting for the money to come flowing in and take their companies from the threshold of bankruptcy and back into the black again.Toronto No-Dig Show 2009
Read More »April 1, 2009
What struck me at the Toronto Show was that the directional drilling industry has also advanced really dramatically. When Ivan and I used to go to the shows not so many years ago, there just weren't alot of people around that even heard of directional drilling.Nuca Exhibition 2009
Read More »March 1, 2009
The now-annual NUCA exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona took place March 4-6, 2009. The weather was spectacular, hovering in the mid 70's for the three days of the show. The downtown area of Phoenix was beautiful, with great access to amazing dining and entertainment.Evaluating the Used Rig Market
Read More »February 1, 2009
It's a different world today than it was yesterday. It will be a different world again tomorrow. I was recently asked to speak at the Underground Construction Technology Exhibition in San Antonio, Texas, and it afforded me the opportunity stand back and reflect on the HDD industry over the last ten years or so and see how it has been affected, and more specifically how the market for used HDD equipment has changed and where it is now.What Does the International Market Offer?
Read More »February 1, 2009
There is a wide selection of HDD drills offered from manufacturers based outside of the US. The quality ranges from next to useless to upper-end luxury, depending upon the manufacturer and the resources that they have to work with in their respective countries.Trenchless Round Table Discussion
Read More »January 1, 2009
It was my distinct pleasure to take part in the first annual Trenchless Round Table Discussion put on by Trenchless World Magazine. Many of the industry's major players were invited to attend, and representatives from many of the trenchless industry leaders made an appearance.Responses from the Trenchless Round Table Discussion
Read More »January 1, 2009
What impact is the current economic downturn having on the trenchless industry? And what are your predictions for your respective sectors for 2009? We've heard from the new equipment manufacturers here but I can talk about the used equipment side of things.
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